Holan's MMA


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Brazilian Jiu Jitsu


Adult Karate Classes


Children Karate Classes


Boot Camps


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American Karate/TaeKwonDo, Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Bootcamps

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Weapons Training Class in Irving, TX


Weapons Training Classes in Irving, TX

We offer a rotating weapons curriculum where we teach a different weapon ever 3 months.

Weapons will include

  1. Bo staff
  2. Nunchaku
  3. Kama
  4. Sword
  5. Sai
  6. Escrima
  7. Tonfa

This program is part of our 2 year upgrade program.  Please see Mr. Bolton for more details. All weapons training classes are held at our school in Irving, TX


Visit BlackBeltShop for all of your supply needs.

Sparring Gear Sets at $70.00..

Extra Karate uniforms at $25.00

Replacement pants at $10.99

School T-Shirts at $20.00

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